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#FBI Admits #Federal #Informants Linked to Deadly #Charlottesville #Riots; Unlikely To Face Charges

FBI insiders said it is unlikely leaders of the radical groups that clashed in demonstrations turned deadly in Charlottesville, VA will face prosecution.


FBI said they have already identified several federal informants who participated in the mob-like riots over the weekend in Virginia. The FBI is also now working those sources to piece together the events from Charlottesville, sources said.

But FBI agents have deemed the newly-minted investigation dicey, having to navigate separate agreements with embedded intelligence assets while trying to pinpoint responsibility for the violence.

Late Saturday, the Justice Department announced the federal probe. The investigation, spearheaded by the Richmond, VA FBI field office, was launched after an Ohio man drove his car through a crowd of demonstrators killing one woman and injuring dozens.

The FBI has Intel assets implanted in several white supremacy sects, as well as the radical ANTIFA group, according to federal law enforcement sources who spoke to True Pundit.

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